So yesterday was a very interesting day. In the evening, I started to feel a little dizzy, short of breath and my heart started racing. My hands were shaking like crazy and I just pretty much felt like dookie. Well, I’ve been really stressed lately so I just figured it was that and since I had some shopping to do I would head out to the store. Halfway through my shopping, I broke out into a cold sweat, heart started pounding like it was going to explode and all the other previous mentioned symptoms returned. I got scared thinking maybe I was having a heart attack and went to the E.R. They hooked me up, said my ekg looked good but they wanted to keep me at least overnight. There was no way… I told them I have too much going on and I couldn’t stay. Sooo they want to send me home with a heart monitor to record for 24 hours.
Okay, no problem, right? WRONG. I didn’t realize I wouldn’t be able to wear my bra with the monitor. Um, I haven’t been in public without a bra since about 1986 (when I got boobies). I don’t like the way it feels, the way it looks and it’s driving me insane! Walking from the E.R. out to the van I crossed my arms in front of my chest and just felt like everyone was staring at the two fat sacks dangling from my chest. =/ I have things I need to get done today but there’s no way I’m leaving this house without a bra. I’m, ahem, well-endowed and without my bra I feel gross. I know we’re supposed to love our bodies but I’m seriously freaking out over this. You’d think I’d be more worried about whatever might be wrong with my heart but nope, can’t get my mind off the tatas! Guess you’d never catch me burning my bras, huh? How do women go without their bra? Especially women with large chests? Can you go without a bra in public?
Life. Merriam-Webster defines it as "the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body." I like this definition. How many of us live our lives with vitality and functionality? So often it seems we float through life, day to day, merely existing. Before we know it, life has passed us by. I've definitely been guilty of just existing. We get so stuck in routine that we often forget the bigger picture. We're so busy just getting by that we deny ourselves the simple pleasures of our existense. Living life means we actually LIVE - with intention - with passion. Does living life to the fullest mean we should live each day like it's our last? Not necessarily. Think about it. If everyone were living each day like it were their last a lot of the things that sustain our existence would come to a halt. Seriously, if you knew it was your last day would you spend that day at your job? Probably not. Instead of living each day like it's our last, maybe we should live each day to the fullest... getting the most out of every 24 time period.
How can we do this?
Well, the answer is different for everyone but I like to think it's all about living with intention, knowing what we're passionate about and making that a priority, loving and respecting those around us, and taking risks. No, I don't mean risks like spending your life savings on lottery tickets or jumping out of a plane but getting out of our comfort zone, trying new things, or doing something we normally wouldn't. Years ago I saw a Seinfeld episode where George was having a really rough time in life and decided that if everything he did failed maybe he should do the opposite of what he would normally do. While this is a little far-fetched, the idea behind it is good. There are times when doing the opposite is exactly what we need to do. You've heard the saying that insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results? Maybe we should take a risk and try the opposite. It sure beats insanity.
How can we do this?
Well, the answer is different for everyone but I like to think it's all about living with intention, knowing what we're passionate about and making that a priority, loving and respecting those around us, and taking risks. No, I don't mean risks like spending your life savings on lottery tickets or jumping out of a plane but getting out of our comfort zone, trying new things, or doing something we normally wouldn't. Years ago I saw a Seinfeld episode where George was having a really rough time in life and decided that if everything he did failed maybe he should do the opposite of what he would normally do. While this is a little far-fetched, the idea behind it is good. There are times when doing the opposite is exactly what we need to do. You've heard the saying that insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results? Maybe we should take a risk and try the opposite. It sure beats insanity.
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