Yes, summer is fading. The stores are already advertising their back to school sales and my children are already whining about not wanting to go back. We have just over two weeks before school starts back up in our area and... I have to be honest; I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED!
Does that make me a bad mommy? Hrmm, so be it! Now don't get me wrong, I love my kids to the moon and back but Mama needs a break. This has just been one of those summers. We haven't went on vacation or really done much of anything else to break up the monotony. The kids have been bickering and fighting constantly and by that I do mean constantly (at least it feels that way).
Their father sleeps all day because he works all night (and he sleeps A LOT) so I'm pretty much their only caregiver and dammit I'm just tired. It will be nice to actually clean and have the house stay that way for at least 6 hours. It will be great to sit down for more than 5 minutes at a time without having to jump up to clean something or break up a fight or wipe pee off the bathroom floor (Story for another time).
I surely can't be the only one happy about school starting back up. No, I don't think of school as a daycare and my childrens' teachers glorified babysitters. No, I don't just want to push them off onto others and shirk my responsibilities as a parent. NO! I just want a break. So sue me.
Sometimes I Feel Like Running Away
Sometimes I feel like running away. The pain is very real. He cuts deep with his words.
His fists and nails leave bruises and scratches but most of all he leaves dents in my heart. "I hate you" is something I hear almost every day.
He tells me I'm ugly. I never know what kind of mood he will be in. Always walking on eggshells.
But I know he loves me.
If I don't make his meals exactly the way he wants them or if he decides it's not good enough I sometimes end up wearing the food.
He rips my hair out. He brings blood when he bites. He bites quite often.
I've lost count of the number of times I've been slapped across the face. Once I thought he broke my nose.
But I know he loves me.
He wants what he wants when he wants it and doesn't mind telling me so. He tells me I'm stupid. He tells me I hate him.
Sometimes he throws things at me. If I don't do things to his satisfaction he will break things I love. Sometimes.
I feel like running away even though I know he loves me.
It still hurts. I still bleed. I still cry. I still love him.
He's my son.
And I know he loves me.
My 6 year old son has PDD-NOS with violent outbursts. He's a beautiful, intelligent little guy but sometimes I'm scared of him. =(
His fists and nails leave bruises and scratches but most of all he leaves dents in my heart. "I hate you" is something I hear almost every day.
He tells me I'm ugly. I never know what kind of mood he will be in. Always walking on eggshells.
But I know he loves me.
If I don't make his meals exactly the way he wants them or if he decides it's not good enough I sometimes end up wearing the food.
He rips my hair out. He brings blood when he bites. He bites quite often.
I've lost count of the number of times I've been slapped across the face. Once I thought he broke my nose.
But I know he loves me.
He wants what he wants when he wants it and doesn't mind telling me so. He tells me I'm stupid. He tells me I hate him.
Sometimes he throws things at me. If I don't do things to his satisfaction he will break things I love. Sometimes.
I feel like running away even though I know he loves me.
It still hurts. I still bleed. I still cry. I still love him.
He's my son.
And I know he loves me.
My 6 year old son has PDD-NOS with violent outbursts. He's a beautiful, intelligent little guy but sometimes I'm scared of him. =(
My, my, my - Stir Fry And Cherry Pie...
Sooo, last night I made something different for dinner. We usually don't have stir fry or any other kind of Asian food come to think of it and now I remember why!
I added in a bag of premixed stir fry veggies, noodles, etc. The look on their faces was priceless. You would think I had just dumped a heaping bag of poo in with the chicken. One says "Mommmm, you ruined it!!" Other says "If you think I'm eating that you're crazy!! Are you trying to kill us?? Oh my Gosh!!! Look, I see a mushroom (turns to brother) Do you see that mushroom???"
Needless to say, they wouldn't eat it. Well, they "tried it" I suppose if you consider putting it on a plate, raising a bite to their lips while gagging the whole time trying. I must say, it was GOOD! Little shits don't know what they were missing. How did I get such picky children? Anyway... I redeemed myself in their eyes because for dessert...
I made cherry crisp! Yes, I know the title says cherry pie and it's not but hey, it rhymed. =/
Love, love, LOVE the cherry crisp and it's so easy to make. Sure wish I would have had some vanilla ice cream to go with it though. The boys loved it, the little daughter aka the pickiest damn kid on earth wouldn't take a bite. "Eeeeewww, it looks like someone's internal organs!!" WHATEVER!! Did I also mention she's a drama queen? She's only 7 years old and I'm already dreading her teenage years!
It started out great. I diced and fried up some chicken breast. So far so good. "MMMmmm" The children said. "That smells good!". Then I did the unthinkable.
I added in a bag of premixed stir fry veggies, noodles, etc. The look on their faces was priceless. You would think I had just dumped a heaping bag of poo in with the chicken. One says "Mommmm, you ruined it!!" Other says "If you think I'm eating that you're crazy!! Are you trying to kill us?? Oh my Gosh!!! Look, I see a mushroom (turns to brother) Do you see that mushroom???"
Needless to say, they wouldn't eat it. Well, they "tried it" I suppose if you consider putting it on a plate, raising a bite to their lips while gagging the whole time trying. I must say, it was GOOD! Little shits don't know what they were missing. How did I get such picky children? Anyway... I redeemed myself in their eyes because for dessert...
I made cherry crisp! Yes, I know the title says cherry pie and it's not but hey, it rhymed. =/
Love, love, LOVE the cherry crisp and it's so easy to make. Sure wish I would have had some vanilla ice cream to go with it though. The boys loved it, the little daughter aka the pickiest damn kid on earth wouldn't take a bite. "Eeeeewww, it looks like someone's internal organs!!" WHATEVER!! Did I also mention she's a drama queen? She's only 7 years old and I'm already dreading her teenage years!
How to Attract People...
By Smelling WONDERFUL!
I'm not much of a girly-girl so through the years I've rarely worn much fragrance until one day when in the store I spritzed a sample of the Burberry Brit on my arm and I couldn't believe what I was smelling. The scent is warm, sort of nutty (like me, maybe that's why I like it), with a nice hint of vanilla. Amazing!

I have never, EVER loved a scent this much. The store was unfortunately sold out aside from the tester and they wouldn't let me have that (anddd I tried, haha). The scent was still on my arm at bedtime which was a good reminder to order some of this stuff online. Now it's not what I consider "cheap" (around 60.00 for 1.7 oz.) but the bottle will last a really, really long time so it is a good deal for the quality. Speaking of the bottle, it's very sturdy and nice looking. It's actually the sort of bottle you wouldn't mind displaying on your vanity and I would if I didn't have monster children who would end up being the best smelling kids in the neighborhood until the scent eventually wore off. But yeah, this stuff is amazing and many of the reviews say it's a fall/winter fragrance but personally I think it works well year round. Next time you get the chance, test out Burberry Brit for yourself and let me know what you think.
I'm not much of a girly-girl so through the years I've rarely worn much fragrance until one day when in the store I spritzed a sample of the Burberry Brit on my arm and I couldn't believe what I was smelling. The scent is warm, sort of nutty (like me, maybe that's why I like it), with a nice hint of vanilla. Amazing!
I have never, EVER loved a scent this much. The store was unfortunately sold out aside from the tester and they wouldn't let me have that (anddd I tried, haha). The scent was still on my arm at bedtime which was a good reminder to order some of this stuff online. Now it's not what I consider "cheap" (around 60.00 for 1.7 oz.) but the bottle will last a really, really long time so it is a good deal for the quality. Speaking of the bottle, it's very sturdy and nice looking. It's actually the sort of bottle you wouldn't mind displaying on your vanity and I would if I didn't have monster children who would end up being the best smelling kids in the neighborhood until the scent eventually wore off. But yeah, this stuff is amazing and many of the reviews say it's a fall/winter fragrance but personally I think it works well year round. Next time you get the chance, test out Burberry Brit for yourself and let me know what you think.
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